WA Nature Quest

Join us in the expanse of WA’s outback for a beautiful Nature Quest on ancient, sacred and regenerating land, Ballardong-Wilman Country, as you journey deep into inner, outer and True Nature.









Sacha Boodja Sanctuary, May 17-25, 2025

Download Registration Pack
Register Now

Every human being is capable of coming into profound appreciation of our inherent, fundamental interconnectedness and what that means for our role in this life. The Quest process initiates us into this way of being, rapidly removing layers that keep us in a perception of separateness and providing space for guidance and insight to be received.

The Quest process involves spending 4 days and nights in one sacred circle, fasting from all things familiar including food. You will go out with practices to cultivate presence, receptivity, universal energy and an open heart along with a beautiful directions ceremony. You don’t ‘do’ much at all, but a lot happens as your senses become more refined, the blockages to connection lift and you move towards your natural state. Of course nature is a great ally in this process, helping you become part of the team.

Often people come to quest work when they feel ready to move into the next phase of their lives. Sometimes this transition is voluntary, other times not. Various intents can be brought into the quest. Often (as with the traditional vision quest), the intent is to receive a vision or other form of guidance of the individual’s purpose in this lifetime and learn how to be in service. Sometimes it is to move through an experience and come back into harmony. Sometimes it is to experience deeper connection with inner and outer nature, or to utilise the time for deep prayer for Earth. Whatever the call, you cannot go wrong in honouring it.

It is of immeasurable value for people to come to know what is theirs to do, finding the inner strength and the support of Nature, and overcoming the doubts and wounds that present as obstacles. It is an honour to offer this work that truly is in service to the whole. 

“The ultimate aim of the quest must be neither release nor ecstasy for oneself, but the wisdom and power to serve others.”


3 nights together for preparation training – meditation and other awareness training, qi gong/energy cultivation and ceremonial practices, discussions around the campfire, walking the land and logistical preparation for the AllOne time.
4 nights AllOne time – in a small, personal campsite without interruption or distraction, just being with both inner and outer Nature, listening, offering, receiving, letting go, letting come.
Return from solo on the morning of the second last day to share with the group and prepare for reintegration.

Coming back into ‘normal’ life can feel very abrupt so I highly encourage everyone to honour the reintegration time and leave as much room as possible for self-care, love and inward reflection in the week or two following the Quest. More about that and the rest of the schedule in the registration pack. 


Sacha Boodja, 2.5 hours east of Perth. This place is lovingly cared for by Mandakini and Rumi, experienced spiritual practitioners who were called to the land over a decade ago. A very special granite outcrop area, they took over the land from a farmer and are now overseeing its regeneration. It has a special feeling of a centre for healing of the land in this area. It feels to me like a place of healing and hope, enlivened by the love and care it receives. In many cultures, rocks are considered wisdom keepers and here they seem to remember how this land can be harmony. Many potential sites for your AllOne time exist with wonderful granite boulders and trees.


Exchange for the teachings and support during your Solo, food during group time and use of the land is offered on a sliding scale:
Low income: $808
Standard: $1008
Abundant income: select any higher amount you feel reflects fair exchange, and know that your support enables both the participation of those at a lower wage and my ongoing ability to dedicate myself to this work!

Please note that these are not my commercial rates, but I am not going to compromise on having the Quest accessible to as many people as possible.

Limited to a maximum of 6 participants.

To secure your place a $300 deposit is required upon registration.



All meals (organic as much as possible and vegetarian) for the group time are included. We may share some food preparation and cleaning up duties together. Fasting is recommended for the solo time, for several reasons. If you wish to bring food on the solo it is the responsibility of the participant to provide food during this time. More details on fasting and preparation are sent upon registration.


All participants must camp onsite for the duration of the retreat. Participants must provide their own camping gear. A detailed packing list will be provided upon registration.

Cancellation Policy:

You must advise me at least 3 months prior to the start date if you wish to cancel your place so that there is reasonable time to fill your spot. A full refund will be offered in this instance, minus a $50 admin fee. 

If you cancel between 1 and 3 months out, your deposit is not refunded unless someone fills your place (minus admin fee). 

If you cancel under 1 month out, no refund is given, unless someone fills your place (minus admin fee). 

If the Quest needs to be rescheduled for reasons outside of our control (e.g. COVID), you will have the option of a full refund or having your payment transferred to the rescheduled or future quests.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions via [email protected] or 0431980094

With love and hope for the future,

"The relationship that I deepened with nature while on my quest is something I often turn to in times of pain, stress or ill health. Spending time in nature during these times helps me to relax and feel that I am held, loved and cared for; I am not alone, but a part of the great whole. Thank you so much for what you provide Claire; I hope you continue to guide people into deeper connection with nature for many many years to come."